missing audio?


New member
Recently games have started losing audio randomly on a lot of various skills, ultimates, effects in the game. Happened to both me and a friend and in the next game our teammate had it happen too.
Thanks for letting us know - Would you mind providing a few bits of info to help us diagnose the issue?
  • match ID
  • which character you were playing
  • the time that dropouts started to occur
  • if you catch this in real time, please pause the game, copy and paste the output of your dev console into a text file and share here

Match ID for the game where it happened to both me and my friend: 29044066
I was playing Grey Talon and my friend was playing Wraith.

Note: My friend reported on discord that he had lost sound way earlier in the game than I did, around 15 mintutes in~ shortly after laning stage ended. Mine suddenly started disappearing later in the game around 35~ minutes in.

The following match our teammate that neither me or my friend knew, also reported having the same issue, where he suddenly couldn't hear ultimates later in the game and that he had to reboot his whole game to try and fix it (unclear if it did, since he just kept complaining that his game was broken)

Match ID:29048286

The player affected in this case was the Pocket. Both me and my friend, playing Grey talon and Abrams respectively, were completely fine in this game.
From checking the replay, the player started complaining about the issue around 18-19~ minutes in, saying he could no longer hear any ultimates in the game.

If I catch it live I will try copy paste the dev console as you say.