Mirage's Ult does not increase attack speed until next reload. There appears to be a time limit not displayed in the text (you can tell when mirage has this bonus attack speed based by the purple animation on his gun). This time limit appears to be 10 seconds. You can easily shoot longer than this via a combination of a few of any of the following: Vampire burst, titanic magazine, frenzy, quicksilver reload, dynamo's relocation ability, berserk, and fleet foot item. Strangely, this invisible stat is extended via the superior duration item (tested to 13.2 seconds).
Please either add text to the ability showing that there is a time limit to the attack speed or make it truly until the next reload.
I love Deadlock and thank you
Please either add text to the ability showing that there is a time limit to the attack speed or make it truly until the next reload.
I love Deadlock and thank you