New member

Bebop's description (and personality) implies that his hook is a great asset in getting allies out of danger. This is actually true, since I cannot state just how many time I've pulled a random Abrams out of a Dynamo or Haze ultimate, saving their life.
However, most of the time, you use your hook offensively. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but more often than not, you hooking teammates tend to either not do anything useful, or actually downright screws your trick shot and annoys your teammate.
Thus, I am proposing the idea to have the hook grant allies a shield/heal, allowing Bebop the option to play a more supportive role, the way that Viscous, Kelvin, McGinnis, Ivy, Dynamo, etc. can do so. Attached to this post is a mech unit from a different game called "Into The Breach", and it has an upgrade that allows it to apply a shield to hooked allies, just like the idea I am proposing right now.
It doesn't need to be base kit; if anything, it could be an extra addon to the T3 (5 AP cost) upgrade of the Hook ability, allowing it to heal/shield an ally that scales with spirit power. The Hook inherently doesn't really... DO anything with spirit power anyways, so why not give it the support role, just like Bebop wants it to?
To add even more on this, there could be a voiceline where Bebop hooks a movement-locked or low-health ally out of danger? That would be very fun and would make sense with his personality :3
[bootleg support beam but better and requires skill hehehe]
[cough tf2 medic crossbow is similar cough]