Minion Pathing issues - multiple


New member
So far I've seen multiple problems with the lane creeps which is making the laning phase feel a lot less consistent. Issues I've seen:

1. Scarlet hand blue lane - minions get stuck right after the walker. This is a double edged problem as it actually gives the scarlet team extra heals from a safe position but it also prevents creeps from naturally pushing forward.

2. Creeps sometimes run backwards for no reason

3. Creeps get stuck on bridges for a while

4. Creeps on the outer lanes behave erratically. Especially the ones on the inner side of the map where they move around the stairs (urn section) and walk around aimlessly.

5. Just today I saw a creep walk all the way around the guardian and through the veil to try to attack the walker despite the guardian still being up.
Here is an example of creeps walking backwards: Game time 3:55, lane mcginnis vs infernus. Saphire creeps start going backwards with no visible reason, they walk back behind the tower and then return to normal pathing. Match ID: 20327255