Minimap updates and random freezes


New member
New minimap/heroes on map and camp indicators are atrocious.

You can't define "at glance" what camp are you going to, and, as Dota taught us, camps are subject to change. :p
Even if we stick to the square glowing squares, they should be at least clearly visible, as I had to squint hard to see them.

Previous heroes minimap icons were way better, again, better visibility.

And for the freezes: a few freezes occured when I was crushing a box, the game hitched for a few seconds; tried to replicate in a bot match and had the same issue.
love the new minimap, hate the jungle jungle indicators and the new hero icons, they should be the heroes at the top for easy to see/understand reasons, if i look at the top of my screen and then look at the bottom right and there's a completely different icon, it's not "easier to read" as the changelog states, its just another icon to learn

jungle camps not telling me the exact position makes moving from minimap hard, as i don't know their exact positions and have to walk around for a bit to know

also ditto on the random freezes, for me it happens after pinging
new minimap update is absolutely unbearable not being able to see camp difficulties.
Yeah I really dislike this change, the previous minimap was a lot clearer with it's icons, I hope with community feedback they might change it back to be more like before. I have no idea why vague highlighting/glowing would be better than clear icons that show difficulty ranks as well.