Memory Leak Since Most Recent Patch


Writing this on 10/13/2024. Since the last patch, i've noticed I lose FPS and have to restart the game due to a memory leak issue. This is caused by particle effects. I am running an RTX 3060 ti i7-10700K and 32 G Ram. The eventual FPS loss comes from thing such as:

Seven ult
Pocket Affliction
Shiv Knife

Too many particle effects on too long a play time reduces my FPS. My FPS marginally recovers when the effects fade and I leave areas of high combat, but I will return to choppyness in more active areas. A reset fixes this, but I must keep in mind to reset every 3-4 matches.
Just yesterday I noticed a bizarre issue where, after playing a few matches without issue, an enemy Bebop put a bomb directly on me, and after the explosion effect played, my FPS tanked to ~40fps for the rest of the match. Restarting did fix it, but dis- and re-connecting did not. Consider that a +1 from me.