Melee needs to be reworked


New member
Melee feels useless right now because weapon will do more damage with items anyway. Its only use cases are when you out of bullets, last hit creeps or when you want to kill someone low hp without aiming. And it also feels kind of bad to press that button over and over. Maybe make it like second attack button so it would have attack speed and we could run while attacking like we can while shooting. And remove parring. New melee items would be nice too.
my only wish is that melee doesn't cancel reloading
i highly, HIGHLY reccomend trying out the melee charge item .
it is a 1250 item in the weapon tree

it is

It extends the range of your melee charge AND it means when you hit ANY enemy ((not enemy structures)) you get a reload!
and it has no cooldown!

with it, i dont bother reloading, i just heavy punch things

because heavy punches take 1/4th of the time of a normal reload
you actually reload even faster then if you take active reload!!!! its so good! Especially when farming waves/neutral creeps
I agree with this except when you play as Abrams. With the right build, you do more damage punching than you do actually shooting people, it's just slower lmao
Melee feels useless right now because weapon will do more damage with items anyway. Its only use cases are when you out of bullets, last hit creeps or when you want to kill someone low hp without aiming. And it also feels kind of bad to press that button over and over. Maybe make it like second attack button so it would have attack speed and we could run while attacking like we can while shooting. And remove parring. New melee items would be nice too.
Melee damage scales off of weapon damage. Having a bunch of weapon items combined with lifestrike will make you hit like a sack of trucks. Parrying has a purpose, and it's to give breathing room against melee-oriented characters, and to add risk to spamming Heavy melee.

Some tips:
  • Melee can hit multiple targets
  • Melee hitbox always has more range than you think (~5m)
  • Turning is almost completely unrestricted during heavy melee
  • Use heavy melee to punish badly spaced dashes
  • You can move while punching by swinging between jumps