Melee Item ideas: Iron Gauntlets and Arcane Gauntlets


One of the things that I find quite fun in this game is the ability to turn on a dime whilst using your heavy melee attack, it makes it much easier to get the hit and allows you to kindof feint your attack if you think your opponent is going to parry, which gives it a nice little metagame when both you and your opponent are focused on each other.

That said, and I don't know if these types of items have already been suggested (they probably have), but I was thinking of Melee focused items that increase the amount of damage you are capable of doing, but also makes you commit to the attack more to get that bonus damage, to introduce a bit more of a risk/reward for people who are confident in their ability to use the heavy melee attack.

The first of these ideas is the Iron Gauntlets, These would be a damage item, not sure what kind of tier the item would be, but the general concept of it, is that it greatly increases your heavy melee damage, at the cost of a massively reduced turn rate whilst using the heavy melee attack.

So whereas now, you can pretty much turn wherever you want after initiating the attack, with this item you only be able to turn say 45 degrees to the left or right of where you were aiming when you started the charge up attack.

So you'd be much deadlier if you had good positioning, but the enemy would be able to dodge it with movement rather than just parry.

My second idea, the Arcane Gauntlets, would be a spirit item that allows you to channel spirit power into your Heavy Melee attack, by allowing you to charge for a longer duration that the default.

With this item, your default Heavy Melee attack would basically be the same, but you could hold the melee button for an extra 3 seconds which would add a percentage of your current spirit power to the attack, each second over the default charge limit would add say 40% of your Spirit to the attack (so +40/80/120) with each level of charge having a bigger purple aura around your character so as to telegraph the move a bit more effectively if someone is doing some behind a wall shennanigans (i.e hiding around a corner where they can see someone coming from their viewpoint and charging up without the enemy being able to tell).

You can let go of the button to attack whenever you want after the basic charge time, but the damage doesn't scale linearly so if you let go after say 3.5 seconds, you get no bonus spirit damage. But the aura would telegraph which level of charge you are at so that you're not going off mental math for timings.

I'm sure some might say that this steps on Spirit Strike a bit, but this would be a higher tier item that allows you to create builds that focus on spirit for characters that focus on melee, or it may even give characters that focus on spirit a possible avenue to have a melee build in the first place.
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Since it's 3d, you can bypass reduced turn rate with higher mouse dpi, and second of all, charging for even longer period of time will allow even laziest people to get parry on. Also spirit strike cutting resistance for a 500g, which has burst potential. Unbalanced really.
Since it's 3d, you can bypass reduced turn rate with higher mouse dpi, and second of all, charging for even longer period of time will allow even laziest people to get parry on. Also spirit strike cutting resistance for a 500g, which has burst potential. Unbalanced really.

Just to quickly clear up a misconception you seem to have, you realise that a character's ability to turn is decoupled from the actual mouse movement? Normally it's instant because they've probably programmed it so that the turn rate most of the time is 1, meaning whatever movements your mouse makes are matched by the character 1:1, but if you decrease that value, the rate at which a character turns to meet the reticle slows down.

Think of how Bebop's ult works, it doesn't matter how much dpi your mouse has or how fast you move the reticle, because the character has to physically turn to meet your aim, they achieve this effect by slowing down the turn rate of the character, this would be a similar case.

Viscous' ult also works in a similar way which is what gives it a turning circle rather than being able to completely 180.

And with regards to charging, you would be able to release the charge at any time during the additional 3 seconds, so they still have to get the parry timing right, you can always just punch early if they expect you to charge to max, or you could stun people/let your allies stun people and fully charge it.

I'm not sure what your last point is, are you trying to say that having this item and spirit strike at once would cause too much burst potential? I think having big burst potential for quite a long charge is a good tradeoff, though it could always just be an upgrade to spirit strike to get rid of the doubling up on bonus spirit damage in favour of something that would scale more at late game.
Just to quickly clear up a misconception you seem to have, you realise that a character's ability to turn is decoupled from the actual mouse movement? Normally it's instant because they've probably programmed it so that the turn rate most of the time is 1, meaning whatever movements your mouse makes are matched by the character 1:1, but if you decrease that value, the rate at which a character turns to meet the reticle slows down.

Think of how Bebop's ult works, it doesn't matter how much dpi your mouse has or how fast you move the reticle, because the character has to physically turn to meet your aim, they achieve this effect by slowing down the turn rate of the character, this would be a similar case.

Viscous' ult also works in a similar way which is what gives it a turning circle rather than being able to completely 180.

And with regards to charging, you would be able to release the charge at any time during the additional 3 seconds, so they still have to get the parry timing right, you can always just punch early if they expect you to charge to max, or you could stun people/let your allies stun people and fully charge it.

I'm not sure what your last point is, are you trying to say that having this item and spirit strike at once would cause too much burst potential? I think having big burst potential for quite a long charge is a good tradeoff, though it could always just be an upgrade to spirit strike to get rid of the doubling up on bonus spirit damage in favour of something that would scale more at late game.
It's 3d bruh, its totally on your mouse speed to turn as of right now. test it out in lobby. Bebop and others have channeled spells with lasting projectiles you need to aim. So bruh get math up im not continuing it
It's 3d bruh, its totally on your mouse speed to turn as of right now. test it out in lobby. Bebop and others have channeled spells with lasting projectiles you need to aim. So bruh get math up im not continuing it

Good to know you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about then, I tried to explain how things work to you but you clearly have no interest in learning anything and just want to be weirdly negative and hostile
Good to know you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about then, I tried to explain how things work to you but you clearly have no interest in learning anything and just want to be weirdly negative and hostile
i even tested it after you said that, few seconds to waste after all. Same thing. Turn only matters when you channeling, in usual shooting it totally on you and your mouse.
i even tested it after you said that, few seconds to waste after all. Same thing. Turn only matters when you channeling, in usual shooting it totally on you and your mouse.

Turn only matters when they reduce the turn rate as by default it will be set to 1 which means the character will immediately face whichever direction you point your mouse in, they have full control over the turn rate variable and can change it whenever and wherever they see fit because that's entirely what code is, they reduce the turn rate during Bebop and Viscous' ult to create the effect of the character being slow to turn, it has nothing to do with the act of channeling and everything to do with the fact that they changed the characters turn rate variable whilst those skills were active.

The direction your character is facing and the direction your mouse is pointing aren't the same thing, though in the majority of situations in the game, the turn rate is so fast that it's easy to see why someone could think that they are.

Now with this in mind, for this item, all they would have to do is reduce the characters turn rate when you initiate a Heavy Melee Attack, and restore it after the melee attack ends, this would stop the character from being able to instantly face towards wherever your mouse is aiming during the melee attack.

For some reason you're coming at this from the assumption that two things are inextricably linked and that the developers have no control over their own code, but you're so obviously wrong and yet all you can do is double down on "nuh uh".
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Turn only matters when they reduce the turn rate as by default it will be set to 1 which means the character will immediately face whichever direction you point your mouse in, they have full control over the turn rate variable and can change it whenever and wherever they see fit because that's entirely what code is, they reduce the turn rate during Bebop and Viscous' ult to create the effect of the character being slow to turn, it has nothing to do with the act of channeling and everything to do with the fact that they changed the characters turn rate variable whilst those skills were active.

The direction your character is facing and the direction your mouse is pointing aren't the same thing, though in the majority of situations in the game, the turn rate is so fast that it's easy to see why someone could think that they are.

Now with this in mind, for this item, all they would have to do is reduce the characters turn rate when you initiate a Heavy Melee Attack, and restore it after the melee attack ends, this would stop the character from being able to instantly face towards wherever your mouse is aiming during the melee attack.

For some reason you're coming at this from the assumption that two things are inextricably linked and that the developers have no control over their own code, but you're so obviously wrong and yet all you can do is double down on "nuh uh".
so this item are gonna make your character not responsive as with channeling abilites? no one gonna buy that.