Melee functionality and extra uses


New member
The idea is that charterers with a design that seems as if it may effect the function of the user's melee or their kit would function well with a melee, then they would have extra functionality. It would make sense to me that the extra functionality would be tied to the ability that most reflects the design. Let us first look at Bebop, as I think his design already has this type of functionality planned.

If Bebop were to take his "Knockup" ability, then were he to use a fully charged melee the enemy hit with the melee is knocked back slightly. This would put the "boosted melee" on cooldown (which could scale with the level of the ability or with cooldown items). This knockback effect could be replaced with any number of things. Because of the spikes onn Bebop's left "hand" it could cause a bleed effect, or there could be a short stun. (Longer then current melee stun but not by much)

Let us look at Lady Geist next. Her "boosted melee" would be tied to her life-steal ability. It would allow her to steal a small ammount of health with each melee, starting at 5% and ending at 10-11% scalling with the ability level (5/7/9/11) and stacking with melee lifesteal. Though it may require her default melee damage be tuned down slightly.

Next let's look at Shiv. It makes thematic sense that when he punches, he would have a knife. So lets tie his "boosted Melee" to his throwing knives. As long as he has one throwing knife up and ready, and he uses his charged melee, he stabs the enemy causing another stack of bleed. This would of course either break one of his knives, or put the "boosted Melee" on cooldown.

Another Hero that could use this "boosted melee" attack could be Wraith, tied to her throwing cards. If she were to attack with her "boosted melee" off cool-down and she has no cards currently being charged, nothing would change. Instead, the boost would come when the card itself is on cooldown; the higher the charge of the card the more damage the boosted melee would do. This would restart the the charge of the card, eating the cooldown as a resource. It could scale linearly or at 10% intervals, capping out at 90% charge.

Another Hero that could benefit from this treatment could be Viscous. If the 'boosted melee" and "goo-ball" is off cool-down and Viscous hits with a full charge, then a small goo puddle would be left under the victim of the melee.
Infernus could be tied his passive (3) ability were he applies burn to his punch victims. This not only makes thematic sense but it also would help when enemies get too close to him.

Ivy's could be tied to her Kudzu bomb and would apply the Kudzu directly to the victim. The amount of time it stick to the enemy is dependent on the level of the ability (2/3/4/5s)

Lash's could be a tandem deal with his grapple. Were he to punch while the "boosted melee" is up it would restore a portion of the cool-down on his grapple, allowing for a more combo-centric play style.
Yeah i was looking up melee buildable characters -

I got recommendations for Abrams and MoKrill, oddly enough
Yeah i was looking up melee buildable characters -

I got recommendations for Abrams and MoKrill, oddly enough
they are closed range, they are bulky low ammo long reload scatter guns high burst and add an extra hmpf on the melees to finish off. scatter gun beats pretty much every other at point blank so you dont want to box them that close. but melee hits harder so it finds lethal at a bigger %
I think Yamato has a lot more that could be done for her beyond the extra damage she recently got. I don't want to try and mold anyone's ideas for something that I see might change.
She is the MOST melee centric as all his skills are based on her melee weapon even if it has some range you want to hit m1 m2 combos with all hits hitting. the damage increase means all further weapon damage increase her melee more than every other hero so far
they are closed range, they are bulky low ammo long reload scatter guns high burst and add an extra hmpf on the melees to finish off. scatter gun beats pretty much every other at point blank so you dont want to box them that close. but melee hits harder so it finds lethal at a bigger %
True, but those lean towards close quarter combat, not melee combat. i dont think there is a lot of Melee specific traits to their skillsets specifically.
True, but those lean towards close quarter combat, not melee combat. i dont think there is a lot of Melee specific traits to their skillsets specifically.
Being able to Melee well (I.e being close to enough to melee) is part of the kit that makes them good melee options. Obviously you shouldn't hard stack melee options every game with them but they are the most able to succeed in those settings.
I like this idea a lot actually. But it would have to be tied into some consistent rule across all characters - not just "oh and this guy is an edge case because he has better melee!".

You could incorporate this in some way by giving all characters a passive - if not melee, then ranged. Unfortunately that would mean that heroes that have a melee passive and aren't particularly well suited for melee (Geist being an obvious example here) would basically get less for thematic value.
their melee design seams to be a early game all in tool as well as a burst lethal finder. for the most part the game is played at medium range where you can better land shots without damage fall off as well as using dashes to dodge spells or attacks while still keeping good tracking on them. asking any character to try melee vs people like krill and abrams who are not krim and abrams is really scary.

You are tying some power to a part of their kit most heroes don't want to naturally interact with. many of your ideas are interesting but have this issue that some like ivy and infernus would randomly be monsters at brawling early perhaps. and then would need to be weaken stat wise because of this interaction (using your examples). I really enjoy thematic and flavourful things like these but I feel like it won't be very natural if that makes sense.
An item like aghanim's shard or scepter from dota could possibly have a use for this. Giving a unique, character specific ability/modification. However, I don't think every character needs a mele, half the roster doesn't want to be that close.
It's definitely an interesting idea, although it would increase the learning curve of the game. Maybe only the heavy melee would be enhanced? It's probably good that quick melee is predictable.
An item like aghanim's shard or scepter from dota could possibly have a use for this. Giving a unique, character specific ability/modification. However, I don't think every character needs a mele, half the roster doesn't want to be that close.
Tfw you're next to enemy, they have low hp and so do you but your bullets ends, what do you do? Melee them, without melee it turns into weird dancing around who reloads faster and characters have inherently different reload speeds.
Tfw you're next to enemy, they have low hp and so do you but your bullets ends, what do you do? Melee them, without melee it turns into weird dancing around who reloads faster and characters have inherently different reload speeds.
I meant not every character needs a unique mele in regards to the original post.
I agree mele is necessary
The benefits of charged melee right now seem extremely strong when compared to the normal melee animation.

Charged melee you get to reload during and instantly shoot after the punch, you can even follow the charged melee with a fast melee for extra damage. Neither of these currently apply to normal melee attacks.

The current downside of the charged melee is the parry function and the telegraphing, but with how fast paced the gameplay can get with multiple characters around and how you can just "miss" to evade the parry, it seems pointless to ever use the uncharged melee attack.