Melee Damage Counter T2 Vitality


Active member
I believe that in the furure more and more heroes will have ways to deal melee damage through parries, this item is a counter to that(and normal melee focused builds as well). Curently we have Calico with leaping slash, and Bebop with his uppercut.
Also can be used offensively, you activate it and then heavy melee yourself, if you get perried enemy can`t punish you with melees.
80% melee damage returned is strong, but full immunity to melee damage is a bit much. If the issue is with characters like Calico and Bebop being able to apply melee effects through parries, then why not make the active make the user immune to melee proc effects instead of melee damage?
80% melee damage returned is strong, but full immunity to melee damage is a bit much. If the issue is with characters like Calico and Bebop being able to apply melee effects through parries, then why not make the active make the user immune to melee proc effects instead of melee damage?
Only applying to melee proc effects will basically make the item useless 99% of the time. And I think it is not as OP as it sounds in game. Melee through parries counter and reflection is more like a bonus, the real good stuff is being immune to melee damage. We already had that effect on metal skin, before it was nerfed. At the end of the day you can always lower the reflection damage to like 50-60% if it is too good.