[Mechanic Idea] Creep Spawner


Here's a small idea that could work, maybe not for current map, but in case there's another map/gamemode.

In the very middle of each lane (on the bridge) would sit a special machine. Sitting next to that machine for 5 seconds, would allow you to open it's UI (to prevent quick hopping and using it, allows enemies to counter you).

In that machine, you could spend souls to spawn a wave of more powerful creeps in that particular lane.

For 1000 souls you could spawn a wave of 5 creeps that all have HP and damage of tier 3 camp enemies.
For 3000 souls you could spawn a wave of 5 creeps that all have HP and damage of guardian tower.
For 6000 souls you could spawn a wave of normal creeps + special creep that shares attacks + HP/regen mechanic of midboss, with damage of tier 3 camp

That would help offensive push and especially lategame allow to get attention of enemy group toward specific lane (and/or finish them if situation is really bad).
To prevent sending 4 midbosses instantly, would be nice idea to make global cooldown for the machine.

Possible issues with the idea:
- A big push of midboss creep + entire enemy team might be really hard to stop, especially on higher MMR, making it a race toward large creep, but at same it puts team back 6000 souls.
- 6000 souls from one player might be too few of a sacrifice. Could be alternated by taking money from each team member, but then 6k would probably be too much (36k is half/third of what most teams have near endgame)