McGinnis Turret issues regarding ricochet effects, Restorative Shot, and Monster Rounds


New member
McGinnis's and her turrets will generally not consider each other for ricochet effects

Ricochet Item:
If McGinnis is the primary target, the bullets will not ricochet to turrets unless there is a third party to take the first bounce, then bounce to a turret
If a turret is the primary target, the bullets will not ricochet to McGinnis unless there is a third party to take the first bounce, then bounce to McGinnis
If a third party is the primary target, the bullet will ricochet to either the turret or McGinnis, then back to the primary target if no other target can be found

Vindicta's Crow:
If McGinnis is the primary target, the crow will bounce to a third party and then fly off, avoiding the turret
If the turret is the primary target, the crow will bounce to a third party and then fly off, avoiding McGinnis
If a third party hero is the primary target, the crow will bounce to McGinnis, then to the turret
If a third party creep is the primary target, the crow will bounce to the turret, then to McGinnis

Shiv's Knife with rage:
The second knife will not bounce from a turret to McGinnis or from McGinnis to a turret,

Tesla Bullets, Seven's Power Surge, Kelvin's Arctic Beam:
Fully bounces with no issue


As a separate issue, Restorative Shot does not restore HP if shooting a turret. I imagine the turret should be considered an NPC, and if so, then Monster Rounds should deal extra damage to them (they currently do not)
I assume Monster Rounds not proc'ing such a high damage bonus for such a cheap item vs a huge part of a single character's kit is an intended design choice, especially when turrets have no bullet resist and relatively low health in most scenarios.

I understand the logic that they are non-playable characters, but if MR worked vs them people would just always buy it vs Mcginnis at the beginning of lane and practically invalidate an entire ability of hers.