So I've went to do some testing with McGinnis after this patch simply because I like her turrets but something feels off and way low in the game.
I've loaded testing range, got Withering Whip, Rapid Recharge, Improved Spirit, Superior Cooldown, Superior Duration and Cold Front which gives you exactly 100 spirit.
Tooltip says that spirit scaling for turrets is 0.4 but actually it's 0.42 since we get shown +42 damage for the turret. This can be tooltip error but I can't say it for sure. It's error regardless.
Now for testing, just place single turret near target dummy (the one next to the shop), enable DPS show with hud_damagemeter true.
The result is between 68-69dps, but it should be as written on the tooltip which is 82. Now again, I have no idea where the issue is (in code or in tooltip), but dps on the dummy reflects spirit scaling of 0.3 and not 0.4
Can we get looked into this? We don't have "actual" source of "truth" (tooltip or actual result)
Next thing is testing boost with Medicinal Specter with 1 upgrade which gives 35% increased fire rate which should result of 35% increased dps overall (or am I wrong)?
Result is that I'm getting about 103dps which when re-calculated leads that spirit scaling is 0.36
Again, what is wrong? Base scaling? Tooltip? Internal damage calculation? Tooltip for medicinal specter?
I've re-done same thing but instead of using Medicinal Specter I've used Heroic Aura which gives 40% fire rate increase, but dps result was unchanged which means there is some fire rate limit capped for the turrets for some reason???
Now that we're done with the turret and scaling we can continue with next thing, which is turret AI which would be nice to have it changed and how it's prioritizing targets.
First off, turret is aiming for the chest (from what I've noticed) which results some unusual bug, and that is when the target is "peaking", turret is unable to hit the target but rather shoots at the wall.

2nd thing regarding turret AI that I've noticed throughout the games:
In the fight, if I'm attacking enemy player but there are creeps near me/us, turrets completely ignore enemy, but rather focuses fire on the minions.
It also happened that I was pushing the tower, had two turrets and Medicinal Specter on top of it, when I got attacked, enemy was in front of the turrets, but they ignored him completely and tunelvisioned their fire on the tower. They even ignored incoming minions.
Can we do something to improve turret fire and locking on?
Can we use guardian locking AI for the turrets ?
Can we change logic to fire targets that are peaking? Headshot the target if needed instead of shooting in the ground?
Currently turrets are pure random with damage and with targeting. If I'm pushing solo, then they are fine, but if I need to use them in fight, that's almost being completely useless and waste of time, GCD to set them up so that they can do 30 damage and die regardless of the spirit that you have.
Thanks for reading, also please correct me if I'm wrong in some math calculation
I've loaded testing range, got Withering Whip, Rapid Recharge, Improved Spirit, Superior Cooldown, Superior Duration and Cold Front which gives you exactly 100 spirit.
Tooltip says that spirit scaling for turrets is 0.4 but actually it's 0.42 since we get shown +42 damage for the turret. This can be tooltip error but I can't say it for sure. It's error regardless.
Now for testing, just place single turret near target dummy (the one next to the shop), enable DPS show with hud_damagemeter true.
The result is between 68-69dps, but it should be as written on the tooltip which is 82. Now again, I have no idea where the issue is (in code or in tooltip), but dps on the dummy reflects spirit scaling of 0.3 and not 0.4
Can we get looked into this? We don't have "actual" source of "truth" (tooltip or actual result)
Next thing is testing boost with Medicinal Specter with 1 upgrade which gives 35% increased fire rate which should result of 35% increased dps overall (or am I wrong)?
Result is that I'm getting about 103dps which when re-calculated leads that spirit scaling is 0.36
Again, what is wrong? Base scaling? Tooltip? Internal damage calculation? Tooltip for medicinal specter?
I've re-done same thing but instead of using Medicinal Specter I've used Heroic Aura which gives 40% fire rate increase, but dps result was unchanged which means there is some fire rate limit capped for the turrets for some reason???
Now that we're done with the turret and scaling we can continue with next thing, which is turret AI which would be nice to have it changed and how it's prioritizing targets.
First off, turret is aiming for the chest (from what I've noticed) which results some unusual bug, and that is when the target is "peaking", turret is unable to hit the target but rather shoots at the wall.

2nd thing regarding turret AI that I've noticed throughout the games:
In the fight, if I'm attacking enemy player but there are creeps near me/us, turrets completely ignore enemy, but rather focuses fire on the minions.
It also happened that I was pushing the tower, had two turrets and Medicinal Specter on top of it, when I got attacked, enemy was in front of the turrets, but they ignored him completely and tunelvisioned their fire on the tower. They even ignored incoming minions.
Can we do something to improve turret fire and locking on?
Can we use guardian locking AI for the turrets ?
Can we change logic to fire targets that are peaking? Headshot the target if needed instead of shooting in the ground?
Currently turrets are pure random with damage and with targeting. If I'm pushing solo, then they are fine, but if I need to use them in fight, that's almost being completely useless and waste of time, GCD to set them up so that they can do 30 damage and die regardless of the spirit that you have.
Thanks for reading, also please correct me if I'm wrong in some math calculation
