Marionette - Possession of defenses


A master puppeteer from Broadway Theater lacks the ability to write a satisfactory story. After spending sleepless nights thinking of his next performance, a package arrives from a frequent patron of his workshop. The letter attached expresses awe over how unconventional yet true to life his puppets are, how expressive his performances are, but laments the quality of his stories. As a present, the package contains a set of rare books hand picked to act as inspiration.

Soon after New York's first maelstrom, he was nowhere to be seen, and registered as another missing case.

The goal is to control Guardians/Walkers/Troopers one at a time, to bolster the effective IQ of your defenses.

  1. Doll: You can possess one chosen Trooper, slightly empowering it. (Stamina: 2, Range: Infinite, Duration: Until death)
  2. Puppet Strings: You can possess one chosen Guardian/Walker. (Stamina: 1, Range: ~10m, Duration: Until death)
  3. Script Writer: Return to the spirit world as a spectator, choosing which entity to possess. This is your default state.
  4. The End: You can possess your team's Patron, granting it a human form and unique abilities. (Stamina: 4, Range: Infinite, Duration: 30 seconds)
  • Naturally if you die while possessing an entity, this counts as your death.
  • Possessed entities have the appearance of puppet strings above their head. You can remove this as you level up abilities.
  • If one wants to be insane, this could pair well with VR. Troopers and Walkers controlled top-down, Guardians and Patron controlled in first person roomscale.
  • Ability 3 takes a spectator form rather than a human form because it removes the annoyance of having to kill one person twice.
  • I can't honestly tell if this is overpowered or underpowered, but it sounds like there are many avenues to push/pull this move set.
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i kind of dont undertsand how it works, if you die as a trooper you die? how do you fight where are no troppers, towers and patrons? also how do you ult outside of your base. Sorry, i can imagine tha gameplay loop of this hero.
i kind of dont undertsand how it works, if you die as a trooper you die? how do you fight where are no troppers, towers and patrons? also how do you ult outside of your base. Sorry, i can imagine tha gameplay loop of this hero.
Yeah, it's not super thought out.
Once your structures are down, you're effectively down a player, so not great.
Separating abilities between structures also means ("guardians are down" = ability gone).
So instead, a different idea is that you're an ordinary character, and streamline the abilities. Abilities could be:

  1. Favorite Doll: You can spawn one empowered trooper. (This can be stacked with Extra Charge)
  2. Puppet Show: You can take control of one Guardian/Walker/Trooper, but this leaves your body vulnerable.
  3. Performance: Summon a ghost hand with puppet strings, controlling you or your ally at 2x move speed.
  4. Reanimate: You can revive a dead Walker or Guardian, but its health will deplete over time.

I think the overpowered sounding abilities have more direct parallels with current movesets. Like "Favorite Doll" effectively being a different take on the Mcginnis turrets, and "Performance" not being too much different that the shop active support items.

Hopefully this is less of a headache to read through :p