Mara, the Sleep Demon


New member
Mara, the Sleep Demon

You weren't just dreaming. It was real.

Somnolent Feast-Slow an enemy hero and steal life from them.
Upgrade 1:Grants Mara bullet resistance
Upgrade 2:Increases Mara's movement speed
Upgrade 3:Increased damage

Abstraction-Mara may transform into a random environmental object. They can move freely, but any actions will end this effect.
Upgrade 1:Increased duration
Upgrade 2:When Abstraction ends, Mara emits a damage pulse in a small area
Upgrade 3:Abstraction grants Mara increased Spirit for a few seconds after it ends

(This skill may not necessarily fit the idea of a literal sleep paralysis demon but I thought it was amusing to use abstract reality a la dreams to hide and ambush enemies)

Manifest-unleash a horde of horrifying spirits near an enemy hero. All heroes must break line of sight from the mass of apparitions or be stunned after Manifest ends.

Upgrade 1:Increased area of effect
Upgrade 2:Reduces enemy stamina
Upgrade 3:Reduced cooldown

Sleep Paralysis-rush an enemy hero and grab hold of them, unleashing your demonic visage and rooting them in place while dealing damage. When Sleep Paralysis ends, the enemy hero is debuffed for the next 5 seconds with longer cooldowns and slower movement speed.

Upgrade 1:deals additional damage
Upgrade 2: has increased duration
Upgrade 3:Sleep Paralysis heals Mara.
I like the theme, and ability three is pretty cool. I like that it targets an enemy hero. I'm trying to gauge how difficult or how much of a bane (heh) it would be to have to look away from your frontline, and I think there probably needs to be an additional element to the spell that punishes you for looking in that direction for too long, to dissuade player's from timing looking away for a hardly inconvenient moment to avoid all of the effects of the skill.