Making Ava a better investment (Calico Ability Adjustments)


Active member
One of the things I've noticed with Calico is that there's just no real reason to invest points into Ava (her 3). The benefits she gains are just so insignificant that putting points into it is always deferred until last except in meme builds.

Here are ideas I think would help change that while also addressing Calico's biggest issue, late game scaling.

  • Overwrite the 1 point ability(Bonus duration) with the 2 Point ability (Bonus Move speed).
  • New 2 point ability; For 8 seconds after ending your transformation, your melee attacks deal additional Spirit damage (+15 for light, 30 for Heavy, 0.3x Spirit scaling on light, 0.8x Spirit scaling for heavy)
  • New 5 Point ability; -20 Second CD, While transformed you gain +40% Cooldown reduction that only applies to your Items.
I think these changes would help Calico in a lot of ways. 1st, she will heavily favor active Items as she will have a substantially reduced CD for them above and beyond any CDR she already has as long as she uses them in Cat form. This would change items like Refresher from being kind of awful on her to actually being pretty good. Not to mention things like Alchemists fire, Cold Front, and Torment Pulse getting some boosts too.

I will point out the the actual numbers I put on there don't need to be set in stone (they should be adjusted according to what would be balanced) but the concepts (Bonus spirit damage from melee after leaving Ava form, Bonus CDR on items while in Ava Form) are things that would make investing into that form unique, interesting, and effective.

Oh and I forgot to add.

Reduced Cooldown on meowing please. thx.
This makes Ava better though. Seems to me she just gets too much power upfront. Large duration reduction and slight speed reduction should fix that, with that being transferred to the upgrades. The tier 5 would have to be something else though.
This makes Ava better though. Seems to me she just gets too much power upfront. Large duration reduction and slight speed reduction should fix that, with that being transferred to the upgrades. The tier 5 would have to be something else though.
I have no problem with nerfing the base ability if that's what needs to happen, but it currently offers Calico no tangible benefit in combat to invest in it. It's not dissimilar to Haze's Smoke bomb in that respect, just that Smoke bomb is actually better at Hiding Haze and helping her escape.