Make solo ranked MM

There are a lot of arguments why NOT to divide the standard/ranked, some people say when there was ranked no-one was playing normal queue and the ones that were playing were basically trolling. And even with single queue, given good matchmacking system they can match new players with new players and tryhard eternus5 players with other tryhards. So basically the single queue is not the issue for that I think.

But 100% agree, there should be a solo queue and teams queue, it's impossible to play against a 3-man as a team of randoms.
I agree. Haven't had a good/fun game in two weeks
Same trust me, I was Phantom IV in ranked and now I've been played I get put with 3 man and 4 man stacks where they go 0-10 or just feed. Ruined my outlook on this game, I had a 71% win rate with ranked and now I win every 1 out of 5 games due to team mates feeding and its just not fun anymore. Can't play a game where its even always get stomped within 30 minutes with the other team having 50+ kills while my team have below 20.
