Magic Carpet should not change height from mouse vertical movement

Brave Raccoon

New member
Please make it so Magic Carpet can go up & down by Ctrl & Shift instead of mouse vertical movement. This item is tier 4 by price and I can't look down at the fight while also going up (to position myself properly), and have to use minimap for approximate evaluation. It feels more punishing than rewarding. Majestic Leap is cheaper but allows you to see everything under you. The left and right direction could still be applied to mouse, just not the verticality.

Thank you.
This is a troll item anyway, bet the devs have plans to delete this failed expriment.
I think it has good potential for characters like Dynamo that need ability duration + acts like initiation & escape item. However my proposed tweak is needed to be able to initiate the ult properly.
This is a troll item anyway, bet the devs have plans to delete this failed expriment.
The game would be much more fun, if all items were situational in play. It's not the case right now, as some items exist to function as solutions to problems. (Like metal skin and Debuff remover).

Magic Carpet falls out of favor, because it has a hefty price and positioning is not that important in this game, because we have ziplines, dashes and max stamina. Just imagine if they removed max stamina and added +2 dashes to Magic Carpet instead. You will hate me for suggesting that.
This is a troll item anyway, bet the devs have plans to delete this failed expriment.
I think it's a very versatile item but it might be in the wrong price bracket. I've seen Grey Talons make some looney tunes escapes from me in an otherwise doomed situation, tanking a bunch of damage with those free shields as they sip on their cup of slow immunity. It's also a mobility tool that can be used mid-combat unlike Majestic Leap, making it, as another comment above said, useful for heroes like Dynamo and Seven who want to get to a specific place in a fight to be effective. I think compared to flashier options like Refresher and Echo Shard it often just doesn't feel too good to buy, which makes me think it might be better to nerf it and place it in 3000 or something.
I like this idea, the stats on the item are quite good and this would push it over the edge into viable territory imo. Right now Majestic Leap is just a better carpet considering the price tag. What if you could cast spells while on the carpet?
I like this idea, the stats on the item are quite good and this would push it over the edge into viable territory imo. Right now Majestic Leap is just a better carpet considering the price tag. What if you could cast spells while on the carpet?
Если дать ковру свободу, это вызовет сомнения в дедушке и виндикту... С другой стороны дорогой предмет
If you give the carpet freedom, it will raise doubts about the grandfather and the vindicta... On the other hand, it is an expensive item