While flying as Vindicta and strafing left or right at high movement speeds, she will be unable to ascend or descend using shift/ctrl. The bug scales with her movement speed. At base flying movement speed (8m/s) she seems to be able to move up and down normally while strafing, but as her movespeed increases she goes up and down more slowly, and at about 12m/s she stops going up or down at all while strafing. This can occur by upgrading the ability fully or by purchasing movespeed items. If you move forward or backward you regain vertical controls, even if you are still strafing.
Video, inputs in the bottom left:
View attachment [Bug] Deadlock - Vindicta strafe and fly.mp4
Video, inputs in the bottom left:
View attachment [Bug] Deadlock - Vindicta strafe and fly.mp4