Magic Carpet disappears while taking no actions during flight


New member
Magic carpet disappears after doing PLAYER damage with your ABILITIES during flight. Found it while playing McGinnis (turrets) and it also works on different heroes in sandbox.
this video shows the bug, first portion shows it doesn't dismount on ITEM damage, but rather when doing damage with your innate abilities.
If this is intentional then I suggest the description of the carpet is changed. This makes the item usable only on specific heroes that don't have any long duration unintentional damage abilities.
After some further testing it happens when you apply STATUS effect ( slow, stun ) on enemies, not when you do damage. Meaning a level 1 turret with McGinnis won't dismount me while it's doing damage, but upgraded will because it slows. The same happens on hero like Seven when he shoots his ball level 1, the carpet will work, but upon upgrading, the carpet will disappear due to causing slow to an enemy. Also ITEM caused slows DO NOT cause carpet to disappear meaning it seems likely to be only cause by innate character abilities.