New member
I think a character who is a mad alchemist would fit the setting really well. They could also be half spider due to a botched experiment.
The main idea is that this character can setup quick traps and ambush opportunities, and allow for quick map traversal for them and their team.
The main idea is that this character can setup quick traps and ambush opportunities, and allow for quick map traversal for them and their team.
- Lay spider eggs. - Lay a batch of spider eggs. Eggs hatch after a small duration. Until then they are extremely vulnerable and can be killed in a single shot (still granting souls) Once hatched the spiders act as buffed creeps and follow the player. (Similar to McGinnis’s sentry guns but mobile.)
- Webs - Place webs on map geometry. Limited amount of webs, either refills slowly over time or based on damage dealt. Act as platforms or bounce pads for friendlies. Slows or traps when enemies come in contact. Can be destroyed by shooting them.
- Smoke alchemy - Throw smoke bomb to block visibility. If a player enters the smoke, they gain full vision. (Similar to how bushes or tall grass works in other MOBA’s)
- True spider form (Ultimate) - gain temporary bonus movement speed, health, and melee damage. (Similar to Yamatos Ultimate) Gain the ability to temporarily walk on all surface geometry. Extend your duration in this form for every enemy hero killed.