Long range/Sharpshooter/Close Quarters/Point Blank conditional damage buffs not applying to melee abilities

Replication: go into Sandbox with Viscous or Bebop and compare damage from light melee with puddle punch/uppercut respectively with different items equipped one at a time. (I did this at max level with no AP spent). the table below is the resulting damage done in my testing

melee item test.png
(Here 'generic T1' refers to a t1 weapon item with no +weapon damage% beyond the base stat, and so on for T2, T3)

We can see that the conditional weapon damage effects from hollow point and fortitude both apply to normal light melee attacks, uppercut, and puddle punch (blue highlight). Close quarters and Point Blank apply their conditional buff to melee attacks as expected (green highlight), however it does not apply to uppercut or puddle punch within the correct range (red highlight). additionally Long Range and Sharpshooter do not apply for puddle punch at long range (orange highlight).

These items do apply their conditional correctly for Haze ult. Since they do apply to melee attacks, and they do apply to an ability that works off of weapons damage it seems very inconsistent that they do not apply to melee abilities. The wording of the items does not make this irregularity clear if it is intended.
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