Linux Lags and over taxes the GPU


New member

I recently switched my OS to Nobaro after being fed up with Windows update. I was playing deadlock before the switch and had consistently low lag and stable games.

Since the switch I've experienced stuttering lag, temporary freezes and constantly being dropped from the server, especially when a large team fight is happening (regardless of my proximity to it). The lag is so severe that I'm mostly a liability to my team. Lowering the GPU settings has helped a little but made only a minor impact. Additionally My GPU has been producing much more heat than before the switch and seems to be getting taxed much more by the game. The prerendering option that did not appear when I was running windows (which I choose to skip) also seems to max out my GPU for a minute or two if I let it run before the game starts.

Again, my hardware has not changed and I was able to run the game perfectly well before the switch. The game also runs well during sandbox mode (regardless of my graphics settings) and I only received small amounts of lag (although still worse than when running windows) during a bot match with a friend.

I'm currently using an AMD Vega with a Ryzen 7800