Linux crashing [Solved]

Installed the game today, but cant get through tutorials because my game crashes instantly when the gameplay starts, or even in the loading screen before it. I attached a short video about how it plays out.

Doesnt seem to matter if im on windowed/borderless/fullscreen, both vulkan and dx11 end up in the same situation.


Figured this one out so ill write out my debug process for others who might encounter this.
Started by adding launch option PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to create log file
From the log file, found the spot where bunch of error messages start popping up

12030.796:0124:0724:err:virtual:try_map_free_area mmap() error Cannot allocate memory, range 0x75f96d990000-0x75f96d991000, unix_prot 0x3.
12030.796:0124:0724:err:virtual:alloc_free_area_in_range Could not map in reserved area, alloc_start 0x7ffffe000000, size 0x1000.

Found this, checked what value this mapping has currently
sudo sysctl vm.max_map_count
vm.max_map_count = 65530

Thats nonsense, increased it to
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

After that, game runs without issues
Note that this command only changes it for current session, permanent change would be modifying this value in sys/conf files.


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