Latest bugfix on Intensifying Magazine simultaneously broke it


New member
Intensifying Magazine had a bug that could be exploited to build up weapon damage without shooting:

08-01-2024 Update fixed this bug, but simultaneously broke its common usage with any other items and skills.

Now if you shoot with Intensifying Magazine and use any skill or item that doesn't interrupt your shooting, intensifying magazine buildup resets completely. As the previous exploit was related to item/skill usage, it sounds like this bug was directly caused by the bugfix.

I tested through all the items from the shop and the only active item that doesn't for some reason reset Intensifying buildup is Fleetfoot. Any other item and skill I tested reset the buildup.

Especially for Wraith this is a big nerf as Intensifying Magazine with Quicksilver Reload was a core part of her gun build.


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you can build up intensifying damage without shooting.

tested with McGinnis. Shoot one round and press 1 or 4 while keeping fire button pressed.
when you cancel the skill after 3 seconds and the full intensifying damage is applied to your shots.

probably possible with other heroes too, for example Geist 1 needs to be deployed and can be canceled, so I asume it would work there too.
you can build up intensifying damage without shooting.

tested with McGinnis. Shoot one round and press 1 or 4 while keeping fire button pressed.
when you cancel the skill after 3 seconds and the full intensifying damage is applied to your shots.

probably possible with other heroes too, for example Geist 1 needs to be deployed and can be canceled, so I asume it would work there too.
Oh lol they just brought the original bug back. If you check the first link in my post, it brings you to this same bug you're talking about but from over 3 months ago.

They fixed that bug in 08-01-2024 Update, but broke the item (which my thread was about).

In 08-29-2024 Update they fixed this broken state of intensifying so that the buildup doesn't reset back to 0 when using a skill, but it seems like they just brought the original bug back now.
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