Lash Death Slam momentum conservation bug


New member
Normally when using Lash's ultimate (Death Slam) mid-air, you lose your momentum and hover in the air while channeling the ability, but in some cases, horizontal momentum is conserved which causes you to continue going in a direction, often leading to you messing up your positioning and therefore the efficacy of your ultimate.
It seems like the bug is mostly caused by using Death Slam shortly after dismounting a zipline by crouching or reaching the end of it. This post is about the same bug, but because it was posted in August and the bug has not been fixed, I figured I should make a new post.

The first video happened in a real match (match ID 32749149) at approximately 26:55. The second video was taken in the sandbox and shows the bug when you dismount by crouching. The third video (courtesy of my friend) was also not taken during a real match and shows the bug when you dismount by reaching the end of the zipline.


this seems to be an intentional tech. Ziplines reduce your friction coefficent on dismount

This if anything makes lash ult easier to land, should only mess you up the first couple of times
this seems to be an intentional tech. Ziplines reduce your friction coefficent on dismount

This if anything makes lash ult easier to land, should only mess you up the first couple of times
I think it's possible that it's intentional but I would find it weird. I main Lash and it took me like 400+ matches to find out that's what causes this