Large black squares on mystic shot vfx

When mystic shot procs, it causes a bunch of black squares to appear for just a split second shortly after the shot goes off. They seem to have improper textures, it looks like they're using random normal maps or something from the environment, and the texture used seems to be inconsistent after relaunching the game.

Renderer: Vulkan
GPU: Radeon RX 6700 XT
GPU driver version: 24.4.1
Graphics settings: Occurs on all 4 presets

View attachment [Bug] Deadlock - Mystic Shot Black VFX.mp4

Different result after relaunching the game, but still looks broken:

Less noticeable on single projectile heroes, but still there:

View attachment [Bug] Dealock - Mystic Shot Black VFX 2.mp4
Ran into the same issue as well.

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
GPU Driver: Version 31.0. 15.5186
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600X

Match ID: 62495
Issue Occurred: ~18:34
Character Played: Lash
Item Build:
  • Weapons
    • Mystic Shot
    • Point Blank
  • Spirit
    • Improved Burst
    • Mystic Reach
    • Improved Spirit
  • Vitality
    • Healbane
    • Sprint Boots
    • Fortitude

View attachment mystic_shot_black_box.mp4