Lady Geist Soul Exchange Mystic Reverb Bug


New member
Honestly, I'm not really sure if reverb is suppose to work on Lady Geist's ult, but even if it is, there is a bug where it'll do double damage. (Reverb doing 50% damage made this nicer to test, thanks valve). Reverb will work as normal as long as the reverb does not kill the target, (unclear if its before or after the 50% bug). If the target will be killed by Soul Exchange and Reverb, mystic Reverb will do double damage. They would still be dead of course, but the entire AOE of reverb also does the double damage.


Bump. Just experienced this in game. I got swapped for 2000 hp and then finished off by 800 spirit damage from mystic reverb.
This seems like its unintended since nowhere in Geist's kit does it mention that its spirit damage. Seems to me like some dev hard-coded it as spirit damage since there are no other types of damage.

Solution? Implement pure damage into the game.