Lady Geist Malice - Damage Amplification Bug on Headshots


New member
Lady Geist's Malice ability states: Effect per stack 15% damage.

Testing: It appears that you get about half the weapon damage you are supposed to per stack:

In Sandbox: Headshot of Geist = 53-55 damage (54 avg)
After 1 proc of Malice: Headshot damage=57-59 (58 avg)
Percent avg damage increase: 7.4%

It works properly on: Spells, body shots, procs, mystic burst, improve burst, and headshot booster. Just for some reason not headshots?

Seems like a bug.
Good find, I tested this. My theory is that maybe the amped damage on a headshot is what the amped damage would be on a body shot. 3ish extra damage is how much you would recieve on an amped bodyshot and 3ish damage seems to be what you recieve on an amped headshot. So the game adds gun damage (25) then the amped gun damage (≈3) then the additional headshot damage (25), as opposed to 50 + ≈7. I don't like it, feels like a nerf.
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