knockdown stun reset, an issue that should be fixed, due to it's abusing potential


New member
basically this is a good video example of this newly found bug (basically a person gets his knockdown stun reseted when he gets in any CC ability like dynamo stomp, beepop's hook or uppercut and etc. in the video you can notice the stun effect on top of dynamo's head, which shows that after this ability chain from beepop he still has this stun effect from knockdown even after this long beepop ability chain)

Later on after encountering the "bug" i tested how it could be "abused" for getting massive advantage over an enemy player by locking him out for several seconds, just because he got unlucky enough to get into this horrible chain-stun, best exampmle is viscous 3rd ability and knockdown combo where a player can LITERALLY STUN OUT ANOTHER PLAYER FOR STRAIGHT 7+ SECONDS if he has extra charges on this ability to deal massive ammounts of dmg and 7sec disable where he can't oppose it in any way possible, devs ples fix ;|


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