Kelvin's Frozen Shelter Glitch: Mcginnis Turret Disappears and Respawns at Incorrect Location


New member

This bug involves Kelvin's ultimate ability "Frozen Shelter" and the placement of Mcginnis's turret within its effect. When Kelvin casts his ultimate from a high position, the Ice Sphere forms as a full sphere, instead of the usual semi-sphere. If a Mcginnis player attempts to deploy their turret within this sphere, the turret will fail to deploy on the sphere's walls and will instead spin inside the sphere. Once the Ice Sphere disappears, the turret will fall to the ground, disappear, and reappear at the original location where it was placed inside the sphere.


Dude, you're one of the best testers of the game. As a game developer it makes me happy to see testers like you. You find bugs that are hard to realize are bugs in a normal game. Respect to those who are actually involved in game testing! wtf MAN!