- Viscous trades Kelvin The Cube for Frozen Shelter (V's free-by-ludo ability to walk through a goo one carries nerfs well) which respectively turn blue & green. Cube keeps all abilities and gains:
- When moving fast enough, the cube grabs any enemies its front touches ('grab' being a moving immobilization minus silencing movement items)
- On running into any terrain when moving fast enough (like when dropped from a height) the cube shatters. This explosion of ice slows and damages enemies as well as heals allies and Kelvin by some fraction of The Cube's remaining heal
- Ice Path keeps all abilities but also grants minecart-ish control when slid down in The Cube
- Arctic Beam can stay vanilla but IMHO would play better with burst to encourage opportunism: But the range would increase per tick while the damage and upgraded-earlier bounce count would both reduce
- Frost Grenade becomes Avalanche: Kelvin channels this new ultimate by swinging his arms alternately up to summon walls of trapezoidal ice blocks and out to launch their blocks (along a cone his arms are the apex of, balanced for a closed space punish threat). Each wall is curved convex to Kelvin and its blocks damage, stun, & displace enemies they collide with or despawn on taking enough damage. Blocks also slide over the top of slowing ice fields previous blocks "melt" into on losing their velocity (fields stack only volumetrically for the ability's namesake fantasy. Large min V, heavy decel off ice, no elastics)
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