Kelvin needs small reworks/rebalanced he's an underperformer atm

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New member
I like Kelvin a lot, he's my main but I've noticed that he's slipping in overall performance. There's a lot that can be done to tweak him to be better but I'm sick of getting destroyed because he doesn't scale hardly at all and his early game is dependent on match ups. Here's my list of overall issues that I take with him.

1. Kelvin's Gun
a) Snowball launcher is so slow... yes high velocity is taken into account even with it it's not great. I get denied souls because my bullets travel so slow and hitting tagerts medium+ range is out of the question (talon and vindicta in the air is a non-starter)

2. Frost Grenade
a) 40% slow is almost unnoticeable... Mirage's tornado lifts for 1.1 seconds but completely disables any momentum while 40% slow is just like oh you walked and dodged away like you were going to do anyways and they're gone...
b) If it's supposed to be a heal skill give it healing from rank 1 - I'm already bound to fight against toxic bullets/healbane completely mitigates the value since they are 100% getting those items let me heal to stabilize my lane earlier before I'm griefed out of lane early game value would be trading some dmg for some heals without waiting until it's useless to get close

Fix: Allow it to heal to begin with - skill 3 just increases the heal amount. Gives Kelvin a lot more options for laning phase, damage is already ok, slow needs to be reconsidered with asking "why?" Maybe if it also slowed bullet speed like his beam?

3. Ice beam
a) Easily dodged early game at mid/"far" range - 1 stamina and you're behind a obstacle or bridge pillar and it's not done anything useful
b) Close range people just shoot you and out dps you while channeling - the trade always hurts Kelvin. Having to parry while beaming (canceling it) shows you how weak the skill really is close range and having

Fix: Have Kelvin channel his remaining ammo in his clip to fire through the duration of the beam (maybe skill points into doing that) more dps and makes it a spirit/bullet hybrid skill giving a lot more needed versatility to the hero. Perhaps have the bullet do a micro stun (not interrupt stun but like Dota 2 Dispruptor thunder strike intermittent)

4. Ice Path
a) Make the path clear/transparent underneath his own feet! I want to see what I'm targeting!
b) Bonus spirit as last rank up is kinda negligible value.
c) It's a mobility skill and if I get hit once I'm slow as dirt and it's supposed to give "60% slow resist" is a sick joke. I'm already slow as dirt to any dmg so what point is the "slow resist"?

Fix: Make the ice path transparent underneath Kelvin. Change skill so speed is gained over time the longer you're walking with it. Allies can use it for all sorts of creative benefits and you're not gunned down as a big flying target can't move anywhere. (enemies still have mobility but damaging you even a small amount takes my mobility away? Not a good concept this gives the slow resist a chance to do something if my speed is supposed to build up I "could" go somewhere but not right away giving you a window to deal with his escape without completely nullifying it to a brisk walk)

5. Frozen Shelter
a) The heal scaling at rank 5 is pointless, you've already got more healing in your kit by then and it's not exactly changing the encounter all too much
b) "Your dome trapped and killed me!"

Fix: Apply a bullet/spirit shield for yourself allies inside, so when you're getting some instant value so your ult isn't wasted on dying too fast when cast/people escaping or at full health already have escape value added. Apply on cast or apply or when dome expires I don't care but this way I'm not entirely countered by toxic bullets/healbane for my entire support kit.

Kelvin isn't that bad, but I do believe his kit needs to be considered in how the game has already developed to give him back an edge he is quickly losing because there isn't a lot more this hero can go without hitting a wall fast in the game.
Completely agree. After last patch Kelvin is just weak especially during laning and mid phase. Forget about 1v1 laning against Vindicta e.g... had to hide behind the guardian the whole time because time to kill was so short for Vindicta and that just doesn't equate to fun gameplay!
I like the ideas, but honestly I feel like Kelvins Snow Shelter could use a buff in the form of offensive power.

What if his tier 3 upgrade to the Dome, instead of giving bonus healing and Spirit scaling, caused enemies in the dome to suffer from substantially reduced healing? I'm thinking something like 90% or more, possibly even causing healing to hurt them instead of helping. It would make being trapped in his dome a lot scarier, since currently if you have a modest soul advantage on him being trapped in the dome is mostly just annoying.
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