Kelvin Ice path jittery movement with fleetfoot / high movement speed


New member
early game ice path feels good. However late game when building movement speed and popping fleetfoot, ice path movement begins to feel jittery/laggy while ascending. Not sure if this is netcode related or perhaps latency dependent.
Sorry, rather than repost the same issue I'm going to hijack your thread a little.

For me this started after the august 1st update., prior to that I could smoothly skate around on icepath, it felt awesome.

To my eye it looks like prediction errors(in source prediction errors happen when client movement differs from server). I haven't yet remembered to mess with cl_showerrors to check for that though. I will post back when I do.

I attached an example clip that showcases it a bit. I thought maybe it was ping related, however, they rolled out new servers which I have 40 ping to, and the issue still happens. It really feels like some kind of prediction error, happens a lot when turning too.

I will post more clips and examples to hopefully help as I grab them. It happens every single time I use it in some form pretty much.


No apologies necessary, it’s nice to confirm I’m not the only one with the bug. I just got into the play test recently, so I wasn’t sure how it felt beforehand.

I was also thinking it was ping but I realized I have ~50 ping to the current servers afterward.

On my end it the jitters feel more extreme then your attached clip. I will record my next session and upload a clip as well.

Perhaps the jitters increase with higher movement speed. That would make a prediction error make sense I would assume .
I also encounter this bug every game. Kelvin's Ice Path as well as various other movement type abilities, such as Rescue Beam, cause the camera to jitter.
valve please fix it feels so bad just make the icepath kelvin generates appear infront of him rather than behind him