Just me? Or Seven...


New member
So is it just me that often find it hard to play against Seven and his ult ability?

Im sure there are ways to counter it, but I almost all heroes and in general it just seems a bit overturned.
Even had multiple matches there people before start said, they have or we have Severn they will loss yata yata.

Maybe lower the damage a bit or lower the radius of the ability :)?
Seven is literally noob slayer and all you have to do is break line of sight even if its 2m away from him, the fact that you and your team treats seven as win/lose situation shows that you're playing with super new people. For his other abilities, they're dodgeable, stun can be cleansed before it triggers and since majority of his damage is spirit just buy advanced armor and if you still have problems, Frenzy.

If your team somehow doesn't have stuns (doubt) you can buy knockdown for 3k and that will be the end of his ult until he buys unstoppable.

Either way he's very one trick pony and doesn't fare well against average people.
Since this is a MOBA, and actually feels like one: you need to play around the cooldowns of enemy abilities. There's not a lot of comms going on right now, but if Seven uses his ult, it might be a really good time to take a big teamfight. The same applies to all of the other huge ults in the game.

Winning is much more about learning timings and exploiting opportunities than just fighting.