Jittering View

During a game while playing Lady Geist, it appears there was an issue with the server where in that I was bouncing around like crazy. I assumed it was a lag issue but my ping stayed below 50ms the whole time. I sadly had to leave and take the penalty as it was unbearable to play with, I've attached a Medal clip showcasing the incident

Match ID: 12849524

Time Happened: Whole match (Unsure if it was just me or the other players as well)

Medal clip link: https://medal.tv/games/deadlock/cli...d1337pWFWDsW?invite=cr-MSxqakEsMjE0OTU0ODU2LA

I ran a second game as Lady Geist and the same issues were occurring again, but the next game when I played a different character the issues weren't there, so it may be an issue with Lady Geist. I'm not sure if it's just me, maybe the game doesn't like my system or something when playing her
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