Active member
1) pick Ivy
2) get her skills
3) use ult
4) hold Left Mouse Button (LMB) for increased fly speed
5) drop bomb with Right Mouse Button
6) keep holding LMB throughout the interactions
^ do these steps really fast,
bug: sometimes the game does not register that LMB is pressed down, resulting in slow fly speed. Workaround is to release and press LMB again, but this causes bad feel of controls, you start constantly repressing LMB as ivy just because this bug exists, not fun at all.
2) get her skills
3) use ult
4) hold Left Mouse Button (LMB) for increased fly speed
5) drop bomb with Right Mouse Button
6) keep holding LMB throughout the interactions
^ do these steps really fast,
bug: sometimes the game does not register that LMB is pressed down, resulting in slow fly speed. Workaround is to release and press LMB again, but this causes bad feel of controls, you start constantly repressing LMB as ivy just because this bug exists, not fun at all.