Items Ideas and Feedback


New member
General Feedback:
More items from the 500 to 1250 Categories need to build into items in the 3000 to 6300, Examples protentional example Swift Striker > Burst Fire or Rapid Rounds>Swift Striker

Item Ideas:
  • More Spread: Adds more bullets when using a shotgun Limited to (Shiv, Mo&Krill, and other Shotgun Champions)
  • Bullet Disarm: On Bullet Hit Apply Disarm
  • AimBot: On activate make every hit register as a headshot, would work with any abilities or items that can bonus from headshot
  • Ultimate Defense: Merge of Improved Bullet & Spirit
  • Pristine Defense: When you are below 50% Health Take 25% reduced damage
  • Movement King: Combination of Superior Stamina, Kinetic Dash and Enduring Speed. Would allow the user to Dash once for free and any dashes would result into a instant sprint.
  • Auto Soul Collect: On Last hitting a minion it will automatically collect the soul.
  • More Spread: Adds more bullets when using a shotgun Limited to (Shiv, Mo&Krill, and other Shotgun Champions)
I actually quite like this idea, my take on it, however would change to:

More Gun:
- 50
% Bullet Increase (Min. 1)
- Increases bullet spread angle by 12.5⁰
- 15% Reduced Weapon Damage

That way it'd be usable on even single bullet characters at the cost of adding innate inaccuracy.

It'd be pretty gimmicky but it could theoretically near double damage if you just hate aiming
It would be also a good option to have a late items consisted of some mid-game items so you can save up flex slots. This feature can also give the game a lot more space for other items
More Ideas
Rapid Charging: Increases the rate at which your charge skills are maxed out. There a few Champions like Paradox, Grey Talon, and Yamoto that would greatly benefit from this.Bleed More: Adds a passive that only trigger when another damage over time is Trigger that will Add a Additional Bleed on top and will not run off till x second after the triggered dot is finished.

Spirit Skin: Become immune to all spirit damage for x seconds, just a spirit version of Metal SkinJuggernaut: Immune to All damage for x Seconds, Combination of Spirit and Metal Skin.

Kill Secure: On X Percent HP Execute Enemy HeroHyper Rounds: Upgrade for High Velocity Mag, Increase Bullet Velocity by 100%, and adds a micro damage procs on top, also increase fire rate significantly 30 to 50%