Item that lets you transform into breakables


New member
I'm thinking a 500 soul item, dependent on what stat bonuses you attach to it. I think a Weapon item, maybe with fire rate bonus. This would be kind of a 'silly' item, I'm not sure how busy you're trying to make the store as it is pretty clean right now with regards to scrolling.

ACTIVE: when used, transform into a breakable object (box, statue, vase if you are under mid)

- If you are hit while you are the breakable object, you are revealed and stunned.
- You have to be the object for a set amount of time before you can transform back, like 2-3 seconds. (just a guess)
- You can turn around but cannot move while you are a box.

- Coming out of box form, you get +20% fire rate bonus for your next magazine
- Maybe some extra bullets for that as well, or a free reload?
But what will you turn into in lane? Every object is either static or a cover. What advantage this item would give a player during lane phase over other 500 souls items? I mean I'm all for mimic tricks but it will just turn into TF2's "there might be a Spy so i will shoot one bullet in every corner just to make sure. That's just IMO, i'm not criticizing.
Would the player be able to come out of the box through using the ability, like Haze suddenly turn invisible and fast gaining advantage on players who didn't even see the box in the first place and spraying on them like god's wrath?
Off the top of my head, in DOTA monkey king can turn into a tree.

And the use case is to escape being chased in the 'jungle' area where you can pull off to the side and turn into a box for a second, and hope they pass you by. Maybe the item could give you a speed boost when you come out of box form.

But obviously the risk factor is if they know or notice something is out of place, and shoot you in box form, you are stunned.
I was actually kicking around a monkey king kit adaptation in this style (and there was another monkey king req in the hero forum that had a similar idea). Elden Ring has that prop hunt item for invaders that lets you switch between various items, in this game you could probably switch between an urn and box and so on. Maybe if an enemy hero tries to melee you, you get a free stun on them or something funny. Personally, I think this is more suited as a unique hero ability than an item.