Item Suggestion: Chaff Launcher (Untargetable buff)


New member
Chaff Launcher

Launch a cloud of shiny chaff around you that makes you impossible to target for a brief time period, maybe 2 seconds or so. Any single-target ability or item is unable to target you during the effect. Anything that is manually aimed is still able to affect you.

1250-3200 range, maybe same price tier as the silencer or something so if you're being chain-silenced you can purchase this to help delay that effect.

Thoughts behind it:
I see a handful of items and abilities that require a single target to be "locked" on. Which is great and dandy, but there's not a ton of item counterplay to those things except maybe end-game items (6300 tier) or something like Ivy's stone form, Viscous' cube, which absorbs damage, but there's an opportunity here, I think, to become untargetable as a potential buff state. I don't want this to be a hard-counter type item, I think the scope of "untargetable" is narrow enough to not become overpowered but suits a need. It's something a player can invest in to stop being absolutely shut down during fights, which becomes not-fun REAL fast (Source: It's happened to me.) That tiny window of time of being untargetable at a prime moment could be huge and yet not so rare and far between that the item is so situational it's never used. I think in the mid-tier bracket it could serve an interesting place to open up some plays.

With only 20 hours in the game I'm positive I'm missing abilities that might suffer more than others against this item but maybe that's an okay thing to accept? If a hero has all targeted abilities and this enemy picks up this item, would it become a hard counter? Would this potentially influence more lane swaps which I rarely, if ever see happen? Curious your thoughts.