Item Idea: Proximity Bullet


New member
Who need good aim? Just shoot in your opponent's general direction, Proximity Bullet will guarantee a hit!

A Yellow Item to help people improve their hit rate. Bullet detonate themselves when near an enemy hero. (Basically expand bullet hitbox only for enemy hero)

Passive(No CD) - Bullet now detonate near enemy hero.

+15% Bullet Damage
-5% Reload Time

Its ok but we have ricochet, which is a sure hit for lesser damage on proc. Its better to be like tesla but with bullet damage around main target(explosion) on proc. Or an active making your next bullet magazine a explosive bullets dealing additional damage to hitpoits(not shields) and have aoe effect for same or almost full damage around target.
There are already heroes that prioritize ability usage and positioning skills over aim, tracking and twitch skills. No need to extend that to the whole cast through items.

Also, there is currently no way to acquire the US Dollars required to buy your proposed item.
There are already heroes that prioritize ability usage and positioning skills over aim, tracking and twitch skills. No need to extend that to the whole cast through items.

Also, there is currently no way to acquire the US Dollars required to buy your proposed item.
Nah bruh, cant have dollars in my steam punk occult britain with souls as currency. American players are tweaking right now xDDDD
Tesla Bullet and Ricochet is different than Proximity Bullet. The 2 is aoe focus item. Proximity Bullet is more of a helper item that let you hit fast and elusive target. For hero that prioritised skill instead of aim, they can just ignore this item. As itemization is situational.

$ clearly mean $oul.
Tesla Bullet and Ricochet is different than Proximity Bullet. The 2 is aoe focus item. Proximity Bullet is more of a helper item that let you hit fast and elusive target. For hero that prioritised skill instead of aim, they can just ignore this item. As itemization is situational.

$ clearly mean $oul.
you want a nobrainer so you dont have to aim xdddd get good
you want a nobrainer so you dont have to aim xdddd get good
Sir, this is an item suggestion forum, if you have nothing constructve to add, just leave or say nothing.

Not to mention, this game is a mix of Shooter and MOBA, there are player who is good at shooter while being bad at MOBA aspect and vice versa. This item aim to close the gap.

This item might also help mitigate the latency aspect of shooter element.
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Sir, this is an item suggestion forum, if you have nothing constructve to add, just leave or say nothing.

Not to mention, this game is a mix of Shooter and MOBA, there are player who is good at shooter while being bad at MOBA aspect and vice versa. This item aim to close the gap.

This item might also help mitigate the latency aspect of shooter element.
Dude your idea is to make shooting trivial, dont want to shoot and aim, then play your tetris thing. Imagine if moba had its farming or last hiting made trivial. would be really awkward. what you came here for? spam buttons and see colors? idk play osu or something or even some iteration of tetris fit this description. There is nothing to discuss. You cant throw out a core gameplay element because you want to. That's it.
Dude your idea is to make shooting trivial, dont want to shoot and aim, then play your tetris thing. Imagine if moba had its farming or last hiting made trivial. would be really awkward. what you came here for? spam buttons and see colors? idk play osu or something or even some iteration of tetris fit this description. There is nothing to discuss. You cant throw out a core gameplay element because you want to. That's it.
What do you mean make this will make shooting trivial? Proximity Bullet is not Homing Missile, it does not follows enemy hero, you still have to shoot at them to hit them, this item just make it easier to do so? Do you have reading comprehension issue or something?

What does Tetris or Osu have to do with this? What does last hitting have to do with this? Your reply is always full of insult for no reason. Throwing out core gameplay element? Its like saying Turret which auto aim at enemy is throwing out core gameplay mechanic because it does not require player's aim. Or Seven ulti for that matter.
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What do you mean make this will make shooting trivial? Proximity Bullet is not Homing Missile, it does not follows enemy hero, you still have to shoot at them to hit them, this item just make it easier to do so? Do you have reading comprehension issue or something?

What does Tetris or Osu have to do with this? What does last hitting have to do with this? Your reply is always full of insult for no reason. Throwing out core gameplay element? Its like saying Turret which auto aim at enemy is throwing out core gameplay mechanic because it does not require player's aim. Or Seven ulti for that matter.
Objectively, Your thing make hitbox atleast 2 times bigger, and removes the need to hold a cursor on enemy model while you spray. That's it. Seven is mage, His whole kit deals spirit damage. And his ult only spreads if there are not obstacle at the place he casted, which require him to go high.
Also his ult deals low damage in ticks and spreading is also rather slow.(you easily evade without any major damage.) Turret is always gives more than a lane creep so people exploit it. And you dont understand what i mean.

Most of the game you are shooting or using abilites. You want to remove the need to aim properly in order to deal damage(trivialize), removing core mechanic and making it supplementary. Same game loop can found in said games, but without shooting you dont want to experience, just press buttons in there and get shiny effects. And there is no single personal insult. I dont see how skill issue or calling you out for defending this can be called insult. Insult is a personal offence. I dont even know you nor i said anything about you as a human.
I think you overestimate bullet hitbox expansion(Not hero hitbox), even with 2 time the size it would still be easy to miss with bad aim (You still have to track enemy hero correctly). Beside this item took up a yellow slot and it could be very situational item. It will not be a guarantee buy for people especially when it cost 3000 soul and have downside like slower reload speed.

This item won't magically turn a noob into a god tier shooter god or whatever you call it.
I think you overestimate bullet hitbox expansion(Not hero hitbox), even with 2 time the size it would still be easy to miss with bad aim (You still have to track enemy hero correctly). Beside this item took up a yellow slot and it could be very situational item. It will not be a guarantee buy for people especially when it cost 3000 soul and have downside like slower reload speed.

This item won't magically turn a noob into a god tier shooter god or whatever you call it.
Whatever helps to ease a core gameplay element will become a mandatory item(if it's yellow without good stats no one gonna buy it), we have boots and both armors now as mandatory, why would you add something beyond that? Bullet hitbox if i remember correctly is pretty much the same for everyone, except few cases(shiv's shotgun and someone's else). Also how it would work in edge case scenario like with shotguns? Will that thing make pellets two times larger and close range with shotgun a death sentence? Slower reload speed is not a thing with ethereal, titanic mag, or active reload. This item just have potential to become mandatory and also broken in certain scenarios.
Bring it into extensive testing and balancing with a lot of limitations or discard.