Item friendly system please


New member
As a new player i dint see a lot of problem in this game other than one thing, MAJOR problem.

I played many Moba game and i can 100% tell that the actual system is extremely confusing and a real mess to actually learn and personalize your fav.hero the way you want to use it.
I tried community builds,following every steps, watch a lot of youtube videos , compare suggested items to builds, test level 1 to level 3 items and yet.....i still don't get HOW to create a solid build that can be well balanced or tanky ect... without getting DESTROYED in seconds because some hero synergies extremely well with level 1 items like melee Abram for example......insanely OP and hard to counter with lower items.

And yet, on the search bar you can type "weapon damage" and have an all messed up result related to it in stats, passive and active skills, from level 1-2-3.....and YET, pro players say that some level 1 items are better than some level 3 items for whatever whats the point of having levels for price?? Even when i follow a build liked by 130k players and i try HARD to follow the sequence, we have to guess items to sell and guess whats next without actually know wth i am doing.

I love the deep within the concept but as a new user, dividing in 3 categories and top down level is FAR from enough to get a comprehensive view of how it enhance the character the way you want even if the item itself got a good description. Create more channel to line-up all the passive skills offensive/defensive, make another line for active skills, quick link to "ranged related" items, "melee" items "spirit damage" that benefit skills of right now i am still very confused.....and the only thing i can do is focus on weapon damage and forget about skills. Sorry for my grammar i speak french normally. Hope some devs respond because on steam community we are LOADED of "invite post" so we can't talk about anything.
Yes, it is confusing to new players. It takes some time to learn that by just having items, you gain passive stats such as weapon damage for each weapon item you purchase, health for each vitality item you purchase and spirit for each spirit item you purchase. The greater the tier the bigger the boost.

Generally speaking tier 1 items are not on par or better than tier 2-4 items, but it's important to understand what attributes your hero needs to perform. For example, if you have a lot of damage, but no firing speed, just getting a tier 1 item that increases firing speed can do you much more than getting another high tier damage item.

It is also important to know what spirit does to your hero, as it not only scales the damage of your abilities, but may affect just about pretty much anything on your hero. There's a little purple spirit icon next to attributes that get affected by spirit and you can hover your cursor over the spirit icon in the shop, to display everything that is affected by spirit. (Remember this is different for each hero).

On this image, you can tell that spirit affects move speed and firing rate on Grey Talon, which is unique to him.

On this image, you can see that getting any tier 1 weapon item gives you +6% weapon damage. A tier 3 gives you +14%.
Even when i follow a build liked by 130k players and i try HARD to follow the sequence, we have to guess items to sell and guess whats next without actually know wth i am doing.
First thing first, these builds ARE FUCKING GARBGE. Literally every noob picks top build and favorites it instantly and circle of shit continues because they're completely unaware that they're shit builds.

Now what you want to build in reality is very situational so first you need understanding of every hero, then you need to know every item, with that you can start understanding your choices, like heroes with slow bullet flight speed will pick up high velocity bullets asap to be able to deny souls more reliably, shotgun type heroes might prefer ammo scavenger instead to reload less often.
Then you have green items, what you buy here at beginning depends on lane situation, if enemy doesn't feel threatening sprint boots and extra stamina will be better than extra regen or extra health, then in opposite situation healing rite might be what you need to survive, supported by Restorative bullets for example.

This goes on through rough the game, especially later on you have to itemize to counter your enemies, if most of enemy team goes for bullet damage buying advanced bullet armor will boost your survivability considerably.
If enemy is Talon or Vindicta and you don't have Bebop in team then buying knockdown will be well worth it to stun them out of air.

The list goes on and on.
1 items like melee Abram for example......insanely OP and hard to counter with lower items.
This is where you press F when he's about to hit you, certain death for him.