Item and ability weapon wheel HUGE QOL


New member
Most of the time when I lose a fight the main reason is I fumble and hit the wrong key.

I propose Q/E be rebound as weapon wheels for abilities and items. 4 abilities/items, 4 directions. Some only have 3.
E already had no use, and Q is melee.
Remap melee to F and shield to ALT (because one of the last updates made it useless).


If not weapon wheels they could be used as key combos.
Q+W, Q+S, Q+D, and Q+Q (double tap)
E+W, E+S, E+A, and E+E (double tap)

Melee and Block can still be rebound to F or ALT

It seems like a simple solution that would ultimately just make abilities and especially items more accessible. Instead of having to take your hands off your movement and risk accidently wasting an ability (popping a heal too early\full health) or getting yourself killed (accidently warp/fling yourself into middle of fight, use an ability that will make you stand/vulnerable.) While the latter can be cancelled, it does take up vital time and especially in a gunfight a seconds can get you killed.

As far as remapping Melee and Block, they can still remain a core mechanic keeping them at easily accessible keys. ALT as shield would mean after you block and stun you can immediately press or retreat because your fingers dont have to leave movement keys. Putting Melee on F would keep it close enough to jump in and get a few punches or charce a heavy.