The most recent patch states that objectives take 50% less damage from spirit, but it seems to also extend to bullet damage as well. Objectives are extremely difficult to take now.
Since the last hotfix meant to fix server crashes (about an hour and a half before this post) it seems a lot of players are individually bringing up the fact that they're observing extremely low damage against objectives in matches.
I happened to have a version pre-patch, so I tested the damage against objectives at level 1 with viscous, and in both the old and the newest version the damage stayed consistent at 6 damage per shot. (Range is being accounted for)
I've yet to observe this firsthand, but according to many comments in the discord, it seems there's supposed to be damage scaling...
Discussed a bit more thoroughly here, alongside some testing.
This is true, all objectives are now taking less damage than intended from gun, it was very notable in the EU tournament today when they literally could not kill weakened patron.