Is this guy cheating?

Yes definitely. Plenty of Chinese Vindicta cheaters now. They don't even try to hide it
I have watched other kills of her and couldn't see any of kills similar to this one. I'm confused. How can someone have a regular, average aiming or target tracking skills but then does this?
Edit: This happend during EU playtest time.
I have watched other kills of her and couldn't see any of kills similar to this one. I'm confused. How can someone have a regular, average aiming or target tracking skills but then does this?
Edit: This happend during EU playtest time.
I'm not gonna completely write off unfair play but in fairness, you were moving in a straight line in this clip and the angle she had makes more of your avalible hitbox your head. So if this is the only instance of such tracking it might've just been a fluke.
Hard to say, all I know is that crosshair def was not on your hitbox at many parts during that player's "tracking".
I dunno if that's due to cheats, lag, etc. but it def seems like quite a few of those shots shouldn't have hit you.

(Even if, as others have mentioned, you walked in a straight line.)
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There's definitely something wrong. How is Vindy landing shots when tracers visually hit nothing and crosshair isn't even close to Lash?
It shouldn't look like this, whether it's legit or not.
The fact that the bullets aren't aimed at the opponent exactly is an artifact of the replay system, nothing unusual to see here.
If you check demo footage of other Source FPS games this common across each game.

However the tracking is really unnatural, I am leaning towards this being an aimbot, however the only way to decipher this further would be by uploading the demo file here, or recording the fullspeed at a much higher FPS to try and understand the mouse tracking "shape". Then decide if a person could have actually performed those actions.

In the clip, she fires 27 shots, but there are 24 ticks of damage. This means an accuracy of 89% against a charging warden. That doesn't seem legitimate to me, even the best Quake players in the world don't achieve >40% accuracy with the Lightening Gun.

Edit: The 2nd clip in the base looks like either a very lucky shot, wallhack, or trigger bot. I would be interested to see it in full speed to gague the reaction time required to make that shot, it appears that the time between warden being visible and the shot being aimed and taken is very small, if it's <0.2s it's a good indicator that it's not legitimate.
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The fact that the bullets aren't aimed at the opponent exactly is an artifact of the replay system, nothing unusual to see here.
If you check demo footage of other Source FPS games this common across each game.

However the tracking is really unnatural, I am leaning towards this being an aimbot, however the only way to decipher this further would be by uploading the demo file here, or recording the fullspeed at a much higher FPS to try and understand the mouse tracking "shape". Then decide if a person could have actually performed those actions.

In the clip, she fires 27 shots, but there are 24 ticks of damage. This means an accuracy of 89% against a charging warden. That doesn't seem legitimate to me, even the best Quake players in the world don't achieve >40% accuracy with the Lightening Gun.

Edit: The 2nd clip in the base looks like either a very lucky shot, wallhack, or trigger bot. I would be interested to see it in full speed to gague the reaction time required to make that shot, it appears that the time between warden being visible and the shot being aimed and taken is very small, if it's <0.2s it's a good indicator that it's not legitimate.
You're heavily over analysing. Yes, most quake players wouldn't get over 40% over the entire course of a game. It is very regular for them to get 90-100% in small time frames, just like these clips. Especially when the player was just walking in a straight line and basically not even trying to avoid the bullets. And that never happens in quake, people are always strafing and random patterns

If what OP is saying and the rest of the game they played completely normal, then this was just a fluke with a combination of replay desync which makes it look very weird and smooth.
IMO, probably not cheating. This being an anomaly could be a tell that its legit (even in this scenario).
Hard to say, all I know is that crosshair def was not on your hitbox at many parts during that player's "tracking".
I dunno if that's due to cheats, lag, etc. but it def seems like quite a few of those shots shouldn't have hit you.

(Even if, as others have mentioned, you walked in a straight line.)
This is a common issue accros multiple games even. What you see and what server sees are different things. netcode is hard!
The only reason it looks like cheating is how it "snaps" off of your character when you die, as if it was aimlocked. That tracking doesnt look too obvious otherwise