Is Matchmaking working well?


New member
I am making this post to ask you how your experience with the game's matchmaking has been. For me, in the first few weeks I played, it was great, but in the past week, I have played several highly unbalanced matches. I'll leave this screenshot as an example. In this match, no one on my team even died.
How has your experience been with the match balance?


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It's not, seems Glicko system is not built atm.
BTW I'm modding server for PUG but seems mose cvars are broken.
IDK when do they actuallly give out a config manual.
Something is terribly wrong atm, i haven't had teammate that just press w and die for like the entire match straight since the first 10 games of deadlock.

Not sure whats wrong, its matching me with players that have no idea about anything, sometimes i can benchpress pretty hard, but not like 60+ death in a 30min game hard. I can probably post a insane amount of these. Its making me playing worse since its so noticeable just from map movement and small skirmish, you just kinda play worse since you know your teammate is completely clueless.

Between the per-character MMR and being lumped in with parties in queue, matchmaking has been horrendous. Stomp or be stomped. Either that or make 1 braindead play and just get swept into a loss. 1 bad call to go mid? Yeah enjoy your free loss, courtesy of mega minions, zero cohesive team-play, and the enemies exact opposite of said lacking teamplay. Alternatively, get paired/against parties of fuck knows how many and get absolutely rolled/roll the game.

When its not heavily lopsided, its usually a 5-10 minute try-hard fest vs the lane enemy, lane enemy ganks other lanes after missing gets called, team dies anyways, and proceed to snowball on weak team members. Either that or they don't call their missings, get ganked, lane shoved, and queue snowball. Sometimes its so bad they get a walker with zero rotations due to how inattentive the team is, fed the enemy has become, and the fun one; both.

Parties need to be paired with other parties, block 5 man queues so 6's, quads, trios, and duos make up each others matchmaker, and keep the solos strictly to other solo pairings. If people want to match-make vs parties for faster queue then make it a toggle. Pair this with per account instead of per player and if they're in a party, and the matchmaker may balance itself out.
Additionally, a region white/blacklist of servers to allow yourself to connect to. Playing as slow-bullet characters on 80+ms means you get 0 cs outside of melee, esp. if your lane enemy has a brain or a gun. You wouldnt believe the amount of times as talon i've seen people counter build high velocity against my high velocity when the enemy is shooting *bullets*. Christ help you if you're Kelvin/Viscous/Paradox/ or Warden with lag.

When you find a good one, the game is fun. But the nitty gritty between those matches is more diseased then DOTA:IMBA Venomancer.


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