Deadlock macro strategy


Active member
Match ID: 13010689
Just had a pretty funny experience (previously high mmr, approximately 0.5% - don't know now but presumably similar if not a bit higher?) where we played a game where two teammates were giving up in min 6 due to lost lanes. Especially Vindicta in our team, berating me (Geist) for my poor k/d/a (0-4-1 at the time) and spamming "gg" in all chat. Ended the game with 5-4-4 and 16k objective damage.

With the current economy balance Deadlock isn't about kills whatsoever. It is about objectives. I told the guy we'd not lose the game and we turned it around, playing cohesively as a team in the end. It is a very good example of some things I learned about the game so far watching the pro games as well playing myself:
  1. Random kills barely matter. Random fights are useless and a waste of time
  2. Always, ALWAYS contest urn. Best run it as soon as it is up. This thing has a massive impact on global networth
  3. Don't leave lanes empty, push out objectives. If you die because several people rotate to kill you that's a win for your team
  4. Don't ever jungle unless you really cannot do anything else or can clear camps extremely fast (Infernus, Haze with Ricochet)
  5. Contest mid as soon as you can. Safest when your team has 2 more people up. Prioritize mid over pushing always unless you can clearly instantly win
  6. Don't cry about winning or losing lane. Laning has very little impact in this game, much less so than other mobas
It's a very satisfying experience to learn about this title so far. It's very, very objective based.
Match ID: 13010689
Just had a pretty funny experience (previously high mmr, approximately 0.5% - don't know now but presumably similar if not a bit higher?) where we played a game where two teammates were giving up in min 6 due to lost lanes. Especially Vindicta in our team, berating me (Geist) for my poor k/d/a (0-4-1 at the time) and spamming "gg" in all chat. Ended the game with 5-4-4 and 16k objective damage.

With the current economy balance Deadlock isn't about kills whatsoever. It is about objectives. I told the guy we'd not lose the game and we turned it around, playing cohesively as a team in the end. It is a very good example of some things I learned about the game so far watching the pro games as well playing myself:
  1. Random kills barely matter. Random fights are useless and a waste of time
  2. Always, ALWAYS contest urn. Best run it as soon as it is up. This thing has a massive impact on global networth
  3. Don't leave lanes empty, push out objectives. If you die because several people rotate to kill you that's a win for your team
  4. Don't ever jungle unless you really cannot do anything else or can clear camps extremely fast (Infernus, Haze with Ricochet)
  5. Contest mid as soon as you can. Safest when your team has 2 more people up. Prioritize mid over pushing always unless you can clearly instantly win
  6. Don't cry about winning or losing lane. Laning has very little impact in this game, much less so than other mobas
It's a very satisfying experience to learn about this title so far. It's very, very objective based.
That's a weird conclusion since the only way of winning the game is killing 2-3 players out of position and then proceeding to the final push.