Incorrect Time


New member
Deadlock doesn't seem to recognise my time zone, despite steam and every other game/application recognising it successfully. I am in North America (PST) and it seems the detected time zone is offset so that it thinks I'm in BST playing in NA. To clarify I am on NixOS (Linux).

For reference, I have
time.timeZone = "America/Vancouver";
in my NixOS configuration.

I can confirm this is an issue on NixOS.
timedatectl displays correct time, so does friends list and overlay.
For me it shows 1h behind (2am instead of 3am for example), and my timezone is "Europe/Warsaw"

So far I haven't found a fix to the issue.

Edit: Seems like proton issue on nixos(?) I tested with another game (Rimworld) and it shows me UTC/GMT instead of my correct time.
I also reported it here:
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I also have this issue on Ubuntu 22.04, using the flatpak version of steam. I did not have this issue yesterday, when I was using the .deb version. It shows me the same times that it is showing in the original post. My timezone is "America/Chicago".