Inconsistent Duration for Flashing/Blinking Death Animation on Lane Creeps


New member
Recently I've noticed inconsistent duration of the flashing/blinking death animation for lane creeps. Sometimes it seems really fast, other times it seems normal.

A concrete example would be quick melees. If I'm standing on top of a creep and spamming my melee button, if the first quick melee puts the creep into its death animation, sometimes the second quick melee isn't fast enough to get the last hit. Other times it works fine and spamming quick melee will secure the creep.

Maybe this is intended and you don't want quick melee spam to work at securing creeps, but even if that were the case, it still feels like a bug since the behavior is inconsistent and subsequent quick melees work sometimes but not other times.

From the feedback perspective, I think it would be unnecessarily punishing to set the death animation duration to a short enough window that multiple subsequent light melee attacks will miss the last hit. The current inconsistent behavior feels bad as a player because sometimes the death animation feels "normal" in length and easy to react to, and other times it is too fast to react to. Nobody likes missing creeps. If I miss a creep I want to have confidence that it's due to me being a potato with potato aim or potato positioning, not because the creep was bugged and insta-disappeared.

Thanks for listening devs!