I'm stuck in a private bot match after an update

the dunce

New member
I was playing a private bot match with someone when I had to restart my game part-way through, which prompted an update to it. After launching the game again, clicking Rejoin does nothing and clicking Abandon Match crashes my game, so I'm stuck in this bot game with no way of leaving or joining it. The other person I was playing with did abandon it (prior to the update on their machine) in an unpaused state, but it's been around an hour since then and the game was nearly finished, so waiting on bots to end it doesn't seem to be working.

I'm on Arch Linux but even trying from Windows on a different machine crashed the game when trying to abandon the match.

Hopefully the matches have a max life so I can play (or even watch) again at some point.

edit: Just noticed https://project8.dev/threads/unable-to-abandon-safe-to-leave-match.12577/ for the same issue, but I guess I was lucky enough to find the worst possible scenario for it by adding an update to the mix.
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I don't think I can edit the original post anymore, but just in case anyone having this issue finds this thread and misses the other like I did, here is the solution:

Had that happen as well, entering `map street_test` in the console from the main menu then disconnecting fixed it for me, maybe you can try.

Big thanks to Kirin for the help with this.